“The Paris of Java”
A city of contrasts, Bandung is one of Indonesia’s most significant and most rapidly developing cities. located at a distance of 150 kms from Jakarta. Characterized by rippling rice fields, volcanic mountains, and a distinctly European feel, Bandung was dubbed the “Paris of Java” by the Dutch colonialists. Due to Bandung’s volcanic geographic features that made it easy to defend from attacks, the Dutch East India Company had plans to relocate the country’s capital from the erstwhile called Batavia (Jakarta), but those plans fell through because of the Second World War. It has since blossomed into the preferred weekend getaway destination of many Jakartans.
Tourists frequent Jl. Braga to while away some time at the numerous for cafes, restaurants, and museums. Jl. Cihampelas is known for its shopping trips, and for a taste of the modern, they can visit Jl. Tirtayasa and Jl. Trunoyoso for the high-end restaurants and malls that are found there. A defining feature of the city is its surrounding mountains and they can be seen from any part of Bandung.
It also has a zoo, botanical gardens, golf courses, lakes, waterfalls and tea gardens that beautifully counter the developing urban hub that Bandung is becoming. Filled with historical relics, a thriving youth culture, beautiful scenery, and delicious coffee, Bandung is the perfect weekend destination. Replete with petite traditional cafes and hot springs, Bandung offers a welcome relief to the hectic pace of life experienced in Jakarta.
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Villa Inti Persada Blok C2 No. 10 Pamulang Timur - Tangerang Selatan, Banten, Indonesia 15417
Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI)
KCP Universitas Terbuka
No rek. 1173-01-000374-56-8